ESP (Employer Supported Policing)
Have my employers been approached regarding ESP?
ESP employers will have received a letter asking them to prepare for the possibility of extending their ESP provision to allow Specials to volunteer more hours should forces need this. Your own force may have similarly contacted non-ESP employers / or you may have received a letter to hand to your employer. This has been done in preparation, in case we need to ask more of the Special Constabulary in the coming weeks and months. As it stands at the moment however, there is no need for employers to release Specials during their work time, this is simply a preparatory measure.
Can my employer be compelled to release me from my day job so I can perform Specials duties?
No, currently we are only asking employers to consider releasing their Specials should the need arise, but we can’t mandate this. You should also consider remaining in your job where your work is in a critical sector or you are a key worker.
My employer is not registered for ESP – how can I ask them to sign up?
Contact your Specials line manager or CiP coordinator and ask for a letter to give to your employer.
My company wants to register for ESP, how can they do that?
They can do this by contacting [email protected]