We are supporting the ‘He for She’ campaign for gender equality.

In the first national benchmarking exercise 14% of SCs left the service because they felt discriminated against. We want to maximise the contribution that people of all backgrounds and communities can bring to the police service to create a wider service that is genuinely representative, accountable and legitimate. 

Our priorities 

Increase diversity of our membership to ensure we are representing all Special Constables to contribute to the service and maximising the potential to increase wider diversity within the service.  

  • We will increase our understanding of the experience of Special Constables who are minorities within the service (in particular we lack information about the experience of disabled SCs – research, exit interview process).
  • We will seek the views of diverse groups in our contribution to national strategy and policy (develop diversity network / forum) 
  • We will work to reduce differential attrition rates of minority groups within the Special Constabulary.
  • We will work to increase representation of Special Constables from diverse backgrounds in leadership positions.
  • We will work with others to develop welfare support arrangements for Special Constables experiencing discrimination.

Could you help us progress this workstream? Please get in touch.