We want all forces to adopt and support a Special Constabulary rank structure that provides effective leadership to the Special Constabulary and helps Special Constables to feel valued and supported.
National surveys of attrition of the Special Constabulary demonstrate that a Special Constabulary rank structure is critical to maintaining the supervision and support that enables and encourages Special Constables to give their free time to policing. However, forces regularly question the need for these structures. We work to emphasise the importance of a Special Constabulary rank structure in national standards development.
We also work with individual forces to spread our experience of what works to retain and support volunteers. For example, we recently met with a DCC in a force that did not have a rank structure which resulted in a change in approach and a new rank structure being implemented.
ASCO was also asked to support the Met Special Constabulary when a publicly available report recommended that ranks be removed. We assisted the Chief Officer to prepare a rebuttal to the findings of that report, which was then reported by Police Oracle. ASCO drafted the recommended roles for each rank and that was used to get agreement to retain the rank structure.
For leadership queries please get in touch.